Yes, this actual working HOVERBOARD-SET is a microelectronic device to transform a conventional skateboard into an absolutely real levitating anti-gravity hoverboard, exactly as seen in the movie “Back To The Future II”.
Yes, this actual working HOVERBOARD-SET is a microelectronic device to transform a conventional skateboard into an absolutely real levitating anti-gravity hoverboard, exactly as seen in the movie “Back To The Future II”.
The HOVERBOARD-SET is a microelectronic device called “Gravitron”, in which an electrical power generator and an Anti-Gravity Emitter are integrated together on a single PCB microchip that produces positively charged gravitons. These act as an anti-gravity force through repulsion from Earth´s gravity field and thereby lifting up the Hoverboard onto a height of 0.23 m.
No, the HOVERBOARD-SET is completely equipped with a stand-alone onboard power source, which is installed in the same self adhesive PCB IC chip as the electronics that make it levitate permanently. Thus the range of the HOVERBOARD-SET is unlimited, as it is powered by an ever-running over-unity device!
Yes, the HOVERBOARD-SET hovers a Hoverboard forever.
Yes, the HOVERBOARD-SET functions in any weather, and it hovers over any dry (e.g. sand, grass) / hard (sidewalks, sreets), wet (rain) / liquid (sea) or even frozen (snow / ice) surfaces as underground. It easily hover above potholes and over gullies.
Yes, and as an additional special benefit, you can use it to operate everything electrically from < 1 W up to 3,500 kWh of power consumption.
Banking Costs: You can make your payment in euros. You don't pay anything extra, I'll cover the complete bank transfer fees. Transfers from countries outside the (EU) SEPA area (Single Euro Payments Area) should therefore be declared as BEN (Beneficiary Pays Costs) – ask your bank for the form for international transfers. BEN means that the amount charged by your bank and other intermediary banks will be deducted from the transferred amount. Your payment amount remains a total of € 666.
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